Medical service LEO, Hospital and Diagnostic Desk National Surgical and Anesthesia Program Office, Ministry of Health, Ethiopia,
6 killo Leadership Institute, (+251) 943 151 718
Improving Surgical Outcomes Through Collaborative Improvement
National Perioperative Quality Improvement Network (NaPQIN) is a quality improvement initiative aimed at improving surgical and anesthesia care, with a long-term impact on implementing SaLTS to improve care along the perioperative pathway through data collection, analysis, and dissemination of best practices.
This network allows participating hospitals to benchmark their performance against national standards and collaborate on strategies to improve patient outcomes and safety in the perioperative setting.
There is a lack of consistently available data to benchmark practices, pinpoint effective interventions for policy and guidelines, assess clinical practices, and aid perioperative care areas.
The growing need to standardize medical education by implementing evidence-based practices and fostering the development of local evidence in our teaching hospitals/universities.
There is a call for establishing a surgical registry with a minimum dataset in each country as per WHO recommendations (WHA 2024)